[img]http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/t/attractive-young-man-hoodie-baseball-cap-city-street-sad-thinking-47034013.jpg[/img] Name: Chris Jackson Age: 22 Gender: Male Height: 5' 10” Eye Colors: Brown and Yellow Gift: Anyone in Chris’s presence (within about six feet) feels a sharp sense of discomfort and a desire to get away from him (this doesn’t apply if there’s a barrier between the two). Anyone who looks at his face immediately gets a headache that gets more and more painful the longer the gaze is held. Additionally, he has a subconscious sense of other people’s unhappiness – he can tell what’s hurting them, and gets a vague idea of how to help. Bio: Chris was a normal boy in a normal town. His whole life, he’d always been something of a boyscout – he was down-to-earth, gentle, hardworking, and kind. He hated conflict, always tried to be a leader, and did his best to see the good in everyone. Though he may not have been the brightest bulb, he certainly had prospects; on his eighteenth birthday, he was just a few months away from heading off to college and beginning the next stage of his life. Naturally, that all changed when he woke up that morning with one yellow eye. Suddenly, nobody could stand him – not his friends, not his presence, not his community. People looked at the ceiling, or the floor, never at him, and all fled from him before long. But that wasn’t all. He found that he could sense other people’s hurts – their aches and fears, things they’d loved and lost. Not only that, but he found he could help them. Sometimes, he knew exactly what to say, or where to look, or what to give to lessen someone’s unhappiness. Of course, as he stayed in his home town, the source of people’s unhappiness more and more frequently was pointed at a single target: him. He knew exactly what he had to do to help, and he did it: he left without saying goodbye. For four years since then, he has traveled aimlessly, helping where he could, keeping away and out of sight as best as he was able, and avoiding those who would hunt him as long as he can. Other: Yes, the concept of the character is somewhat based on Cole from Dragon Age. It’s also worth noting that he doesn’t know if the headaches he causes are potentially lethal (they are, but only after a good while of staring).