Latest Push: - [Enhancement] Fixed and re-released a basic unread-post system. I tried releasing this last weekend but had to roll it back during the week due to a bug I couldn't figure out quickly enough. Finally figured it out today. :lol - [Enhancement] You can now delete notifications individually from your [url=]/me/notifications[/url] page. [img][/img] - [Enhancement] The "Clear All Notifications" button on that page now only deletes the notifications you have on the page when you click the button. In other words, it will not delete any new notifications you've received between the time you loaded the page and pushed the button. - [BugFix] The "Clear All Notifications" now redirects you back to your notifications page instead of the homepage. - [BugFix] Until further notice, I'm going to assume I fixed the issue of a topic reporting the wrong tags/join-status/co-GMs as seen in this screenshot: [img][/img] Lemme know if you notice it persist! Still working on some more things tonight, but that was Act I.