[@ArkmageddonCat] Geth became smarter when more and more programs networked together. Then one day one platform asked if it had a soul. Quarians went nuts started slaughtering the geth which led to The Morning War which we all know led to the quarians being exiled. Then the Reapers got a hold of some and schism formed, the heretical geth followed Sovereign. Then Shepard destroyed Sovereign so the geth created a unique "mobile platform" that housed 1,183 programs (most platforms were roughly 100) to investigate. This made Legion as close to sentient as the geth could be. In ME3 after the moronic quarians decided to restart The Morning War. The geth lost a lot of programs, their intelligence dimmed and survival took precedence among the consensus, forcing the geth to make a deal with the Reapers. If Legion uploaded the Reaper code into the geth network they gained true individual consciousness meaning they became a sentient species. If we go with an alternate timeline I may or may not be inclined to join. Depends on the changes. The name is supposed to be Revan's Exile but I forgot to include the '. It is an indirect reference to an old character I used to play that was the descendent of Revan & the Exile, this was before the TOR MMO and its ancillary books destroyed my appreciation of KOTOR.