"A hundred Yrd for a stack of twenty?" said AntoniusPius incredulously, chocolate-brown eyes boring holes into the sheepish-looking Spriggan before her. "That's triple than the cost of all its crafting materials combined!" It was her standard practice to shake down any traders hanging around the city plaza to see how much they would sell their goods for, as a not-so-insignificant of players seemed to prefer dealing with customers in person rather than utilise the far more convenient auction house, which was a mere hundred metres away from her present location. It was a peculiarity unique to ALO that could be quite flummoxing to newcomers to the game, but they would soon realise that its origins were likely in roleplaying; there was definitely something far more personal about selling one's goods like an NPC vendor and becoming another example of the VRMMO's emergent gameplay instead of dropping the items into a box and waiting patiently until somebody and a different box elsewhere in the world found that their order had been fulfilled. Still, the PĂșca girl was honestly quite thankful for the presence of these traders, as in order to stay competitive with the convenient auction houses, they would sell their items for far cheaper, a major benefit to her poverty-ridden self. Through in her entire time playing Alfheim Online, she had never encountered somebody selling stacks of <> (not the <> or the <>, just the generic old potion that everyone was familiar with) for the price of the <>, which healed triple the amount of the standard one. It was one of the biggest ripoffs she had ever seen, yet the Spriggan was still standing right in front of her, shifting awkwardly from side to side under her unrelenting gaze and holding out overpriced potions. This type of daylight robbery was so unexpected to AntoniusPius that she had been a bit speechless a minute prior, trying to understand what type of person her seller was. NPC vendors would sell <> stacks of thirty for sixty Yrd, and that was still cheaper than her offer. "I can push them down to ninety, but I ain't going lower than that," replied the Spriggan. That was exasperating. With a disappointed shake of her head, the teenaged girl left the seller and began roaming the streets once again, her boyish face locked into a determined expression as her eyes peered from under her golden hair at the surroundings, surveying the area for anyone else willing to sell her potions.