[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/F0ipRZr.png[/img][/center] Glancing down at the crisp apple, Kazuto's frown lifted into a slight, unnoticeable smirk, the boy moving forward and grasping the fruit. "Thanks..." He murmred, before taking a step back and taking a large bite out of the apple. Chewing thoughtfully, he swallowed before turning around and closing his eyes. He hadn't eaten since that morning, and although, as always, Rei's cooking was the best...he really needed to call them. Anyways, the apple had a delicious crunch to it, and he could already feel the pangs of hunger ebbing away. Honestly, he couldn't even think about going back to the whole 'weight-control' thing he did for his kendo matches, back when he was a younger male. Kazuto began walking once more, one hand still holding the apple, while the other rested patiently in his pockets. Some students greeted him, some didn't - keeping their distance or whatever, and Kazuto responded with short nods, while moving through the hall. His reputation in school was a...conflicted one. On one hand, he was popular, mostly due to attitude, skill, and academics. Something freshman generally looked up to. Not to mention that he was a kendo champion, and the 'sensei' of the Club at Fujimi High, which brought them back the trophy the seven consecutive times he's gone to challenges and spars here at the school. However, on the other hand, he could be quite...distant, and no one would forget the time he kicked the one bully, Uta, completely through a class-room's wall for smacking one of his female friends on the butt without her permission, rather roughly. However, at the same time, it also garnered him more popularity for defending her honor...Truly, a conflicting reputation. As he glanced at the clock in the hallway's corridor, Kazuto sighed underneath his breath. "Aura, we should hurry." He grumbled, picking up speed. If the students took any-longer, the principal would start throwing around words like 'trash', and 'constant punctuation'. The man was eccentric and odd. ______________________________ [Minor Timeskip. Assuming that most/all characters are in the auditorium at this time - if they had been heading there in your previous post, then they should be here now, through said timeskip. If your character ignored the announcement...heh, I guess you'll miss the main event] Principal Kurogane Hazekage...a seventy old man that still managed to look like he was in his early fifties or late to mid fourties. Tall, with a slim build, he certainly wasn't intimidating as far as the physique went, somehow maintaining a regal appearance. His hair was abnormally long, coming to his waist, and it was a fiery crimson, only touched by gray streaks. He looked out from glaring crimson eyes, behind black-rimmed glasses. Right now, he was watching as the rapidly filling auditorium was getting very, very loud. "Students, quieten down." He said lowly. They didn't. "Students..." He began to warn, eyes closed. No dice. "TRASH, SIT DOWN RIGHT NOW AND SHUT UPPPP!!!" He stood, huffing as his crimson eyes blazed with old-man fury. The room became instantly silent, only to be broken with a 'quiet' yawn from an orange-haired punk near the back. "KAZUTOOO! SHUT- Ahem..." Kurogane Hazekage breathed slowly into his fist, eyes turning emotionless as he stared over the crowd. "Students, faculty, staff..." The lecture began.