If only he had lips, Obadiah would’ve smiled a cocky little smile when Randy freaked out over the spiders swarming him. But he wasn’t out of the woods yet. He already knew there was little he could do against this little robot thing. Thankfully, he was about to get help from a mysterious stranger. “Well good day, stranger.” he said casually, as if neither of them were currently in a lethal battle, all the while keeping an eye on the very obvious sword in Trainer’s hand. Due to having to form the sword first, Trainer’s attack was choreographed from a mile away, so when he swiped, Obadiah bent backwards as if dancing the Limbo, thus dodging the attack and letting it sail right past his face. He let out a groan as he pulled back into standing position. “I’m getting too old for these acrobatics,” he observed to himself as he stretched out his two empty hands towards the foggy spots that represented Trainer’s eyes. On cue, a bunch of spiders burst out of both his sleeves and onto the robot’s face, scurrying to bunch up on and around his eyes. Now he only hoped that the eyes weren’t just for decoration and that that the robot could in fact be blinded.