“Sup Ret,” Ret lifted his fist from the slightly sundered floor, bits of loose cobble and dirt peeling off his scarred knuckles. Ret looked sideways and up at Archibald, “why you punching the ground…?” Archibald asked. He raised one eyebrow at the question, [b]" ... Picking 'tatoes."[/b] “…and why do I smell burnt flesh?” [b]"Lunch."[/b] Ret burped unceremoniously and shrugged. Archibald sometimes took awhile to notice his surroundings, but whenever Ret looked at the fringe covered portion of his friend's face....... he understood why. Though it did not explain the sudden death glare, Ret noticed, that happened between Archibald and a horse. A horse? With wings. Peh ...peh, pehsi-something. Looked delicious. Standing straight up, Ret offhandedly slung a tuber he conveniently snatched up to Darius, who was behind them ...and missed horribly. [b]"Baldy."[/b] Turning back to the archer, [b]"Gehenna want rock. Want enough to war. But cannot give. Now must fight."[/b] Ret glanced sideways, distracted by the clink of armor. Yet another wave of soldiers were upon them... It seemed that their moment to talk would soon be over. "[b]If Baldy want go home. Understand. Help bring Baldy home."[/b] Retario stuck out his right foot and swept it in a semi circle in front of him, [b]"But help them first."[/b] Then he slowly raised his left hand with tensely curled fingers, the tome he carried by his side flipped to certain pages of it's own accord. Smokey earthbound sigils previously drawn, now rose from the ground and positioned themselves in before him like a veil. He pulled his fist back, "..[b] promised.[/b]" He said, then immediately struck through it with a forceful punch. What came out from the collision was akin to thunderclap... archibald knew that when Ret promised anything, he would honor it no matter the cost. What he had agreed to exactly, remained a mystery, but it was clear which side he was on.