[Damian] Damian didn't wait for Fleo to be completely out of sight before slamming Nolan up against the wall, hefting him up by shirt. [color=FireBrick]"And who the hell are you to decide that for people, Nolan? Who are you to decide if living for the sake of living is a Fool's Errand?"[/color] Letting the man go, Damian turn away from him and started back to the guild hall. He needed to work out the frustration and anger he'd built up fighting Janice again. [color=FireBrick]"Go find her and apologize. Now. You had no right to insult Fleo like that."[/color] Vanishing around the corner, Damian went two more blocks before breaking into another run jumping and catching one of the rooftop access ladders and climbing it. He needed a run before he used any of his magic. He might actually hurt something if he didn't calm himself first.