In high orbit over Halioux hung a large cruiser, a ship-of-the-line from a loose collection of allied systems in a sort of federation. [i]Anthrous[/i] was this vessel's name, their mission was simple being to answer a distress call received back in home space some months prior. All of the crew had seen the message, and no one was quite keen on visiting the quarantined world, there was no documentation on why the dwarf planet had been sealed off, but that didn't matter, in fact the mystery only further fueled their paranoia. The objective was simple, send a small team of marines to locate the source of the signal, if there was to be anyone to save still remained to be seen. Already prepared for launch was one of the marines, at the time his features were covered, dressed in full protective equipment. Even if they had very little information it was surmised that whatever was down planetside was anything but friendly, for sure didn't sound that way. On this one marine's shoulder was a small patch helping to signify his idenity "[i]Invictus-4[/i]" Invictus being the name of his squad and of course four being his call sign. Four sat tight in a small personal transport, large enough for just one occupant, these were commonly used as for rapid deployments. Sky Crackers being the name, were heavily armored one-way ships designed to handle intense, high speed atmospheric entries, their namesake comes from the loud sonic boom that they produce while slashing through the air. [i]"Final role call gentlemen, mission starts soon and we're dropping in with style."[/i] One, the squad leader. [i]"Two is ready to roll."[/i] [i]"Three, I'm up for a little action."[/i] Then it was his turn, [i]"Four is here."[/i] [i]"Good that's everyone, in a minute here we'll have a go on launch. I just want to remind you guys that any contact with home is gonna be cut off down there. High levels of interference due to a passing solar storm is going to last for a month minimum. Again as a reminder, a shuttle will come to pick us, and any survivors at the designated point, at the end of the local week. Policy is strict, if you don't make it in time then you will be left for dead, and without a line to command... that wouldn't end well for anyone. Alright enough with this depressing shit, I will see you fine gentlemen on the ground. One out."[/i] Four readied himself for take off, eyeing the on-board countdown within his helmet's visior. [b]10...9...8...6...7...6...5...4...3...2...1[/b] Lights on. His head slammed back only somewhat cushioned by the padded seat. The academy prepared their recruits for high velocity deployment through special courses, just the actual experience was something else all together. Still the G-forces was almost enough to cause Four the blackout multiple times, although probably nothing fatal. To his sides of the crystal reinforced canopy, he saw the other three Sky Crackers followed the same flight path as his own, of course with a wide berth of space for error. That one dwarf planet was rapidly starting to look a lot less dwarfish, and before long the pierced through the upper atmosphere, Four clutched the safety railings to the front as he tried to deal with the newly found turbulence. Unfortunately as a rookie he just didn't have the experience or tolerance to retain consciousness, before Four knew it blackness swallowed him whole.