[center] [h3][color=662d91]~Abigail Blanchett~[/color][/h3] Abigail was happily sitting by herself, contemplating a name for her new partner. It should be something as equally as unique as he was, and equally as cool. Something tough sounding for her future Nidoking...but what, exactly? Naming things was never her strong suit. While she was thinking though, it seemed her new pokemon got tired of sitting around. It hopped off of her lap, and landing on the floor - well, tried too. Instead it ended up slipping and landing right on its face. This caused a small giggle to come from Abigail. She was finding this little guy to be quite...cute? Yeah, cute was the word she was looking for. He righted himself, sitting on his hind legs as if he had meant to do that. Abigail continued to sit, but instead decided to focus on more of the trainers. Melody was waving at h-Sweet Arceus, what happened to her hair? It looked like a swirlix fell into a washing machine, then dried itself with the tail from a charizard! If she didn't look like she was wearing a wig of cotton candy before, it certainly did now. Abigail's inner fashionista was just cringing at the site of it! She may not be one to care so much about her own outer appearance, but sweet merciful arceus, no ones hair deserved to look like that! She would have stood up and said so, had she not noticed her Nidoran had run off. [color=662d91]"Eh? Where did?..."[/color] She took a look around the immediate area, even getting up to see if he had found his way under the chair. Well, he wasn't around here, then where had he gotten too? She looked up, at the various other trainers on the chance he had decided to check out the competition himself. After a brief look though, she didn't see him with any of the other trainers. At least, until her eyes fell back on the loser duo and Melody. After tearing her eyes away from the disaster that was Melody's hair, she spotted her purple little friend stealthy eyeing the tail of the Mareep, with a bit of a curious glint in his eye as he watched that little bulb of electricity. What was?... The nidoran opened his mouth... Oh dear. Got down on all fours.... Oh sweet arceus no. positioned himself ready to pounce... He wasn't? And jumped. He was. Before she could even get out of her seat again, the as of yet named Nidoran, jumped. His teeth aimed to bite the little bulb on the end of Mareep's tail. The look on Abigail's face would have probably been priceless if anyone had glanced in her direction. The worst part about this, was that she was probably going to have to apologize to the loser duo, and Melody. ~Professor Elm~ The professor watched silently as the trainers went about picking their pokemon. It brought a smile to his face, seeing all of the new trainers take such an enthusiastic interest in their pokemon. The one wearing the Swinub as a hat even got a light chuckle out of the older professor. Today, was a good day indeed, wasn't it? Only just one problem. One of the trainers still hadn't showed up. He hoped nothing had happened, but as it stood he had to get things ready and he couldn't wait around much longer. [b]"I'M HERE I'M HERE! I didn't miss it did I? I'll never forgive myself! Totodile. Can I have this one? Please?"[/b] Well, it seemed all was right with the world. Professor Elm gave the trainer a small smile. "Of course!" Professor Elm said, picking up the pokeball from behind the table, and handing it to the boy. [/center]