Alaska Sat in the pilot seat trying to keep the shuttle 'invisible' to the cruiser behind them. She heard Cal arrive and call through [b]"Roger that Cal, firing up the engines now."[/b] she heard him talk to Penn about the armory, she loaded up the ships schematics and looked for the nearest bay to land in, when he came in and asked she already had a place in mind, [b]"I think I've got a place in mind,"[/b] she increased the throttle as he sat down, firing them off around the ship, [b]"Cal? Are you honestly arranging a date with me?"[/b] she chuckled not looking around, [b]"Nah, i'm kidding yeah it should be good, that is as long as i get a chance to whoop your ass."[/b] she said slyly. She decreased the throttle and became serious the maneuver she was about to do need concentration [b]"Okay Cal, I'm gonna swing the back of the shuttle and give you the chance to land in, in which point i'm going to fly off and hide behind some rubble and come back when you need me, you might want to get prepped."[/b] she gave him a few minutes and flew into the hangar back first, she switched the light to green and waited for them to move. Wash Stood up from behind the Crates inspecting the equipment, it wasn't anything special very small motion sensors light weaponry, the usual military hardware.[b] "Seems that we're clear, shall we?"[/b] indicating to the door. He opened it to see an empty hallway, it was just his day. He moved through ship keeping quite constantly checking his motion sensors but kept his fists ready at all times. When he finally reached the room he stood beside the door and counted down from three and bust open into the room. It as empty but for one IT guy, in Wash's opinion it was actually a bit anti-climactic, He entered and pulled the guy aside, not wanting to knock him out, he might have some important information. he punched him in the side and held his hand over his face, and dragged him into the closest corner. as long as he didn't lose consciousness from a broken rib they'd be fine [b]"Okay South, you should be clear, do what you do best."[/b] He took position by the door waiting for South to do her Job.