Dorisma continued lumbering down the road towards where she heard there was an establishment that treated all kinds. It would take all kinds for her to accomplish her goal. She briefly clenched her fist in anger just thinking about it before relaxing, she would save her anger for when she needed it. When Dorisma had started this mission she had no clue where to go, only by finding other "monsters" like her had she found any sort of starting location for her objective. Dorisma sniffed carefully finding a strange smell in the air, one that reminded her of home. The loud rumbling of her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten for nearly two days. Following the smell rather than the road, which turned out to be rather lucky as she managed to avoid a group of humans that were taking the road she had just left. Several minutes of loudly crashing through the woods later, her clothing remarkably intact, Dorisma came to a rather ramshackle building that appeared to be some sort of bar, judging by the name they served some sort of gumbo. Eager to get some food in her belly she shuffled into the building, her large frame even for an ogre, required her to nearly crouch in order to get through. She once again sniffed the air eagerly, the cooking smelled almost as good as that of home. As she walked up to the counter apparently into an akward silence that seemed to have been caused by an a troll, the bartender looked up somewhat reluctantly and asked, "What'll it be?" Dorisma thought about it for a moment, she had forgotten that she would have to speak common again, and she wasn't very fluent in it yet. Nearly everything she knew was from personal experience rather than any sort of tutoring. "Want meat." she said bluntly unable to get out something more eloquent. The bartender sighed, his expectations of an ogre accurate, "1 copper if you've got that much." he said somewhat skeptically. Dorisma reached into her coin purse and somewhat reluctantly pulled out a silver putting it on the bar while looking around cautiously, she knew that a silver was high currency for an establishment like this, just because she didn't speak good common didn't mean she was naive. The bartender's eyes widened and he took the coin breaking it down and handing her back the coppers "Get this man some gumbo!" he yelled to one of the waitresses. She ignored the mistaken gender as there was point it bothering with what everyone thought and quickly grabbed the money returning it to her pouch, then grabbed a table and her food quickly arrived. Dorisma carefully sampled it impressed by the flavor, it was practically as good as mom's, though nothing was quite as good as mom's, before she died anyway. She briefly dwelled on this thought before shaking it off and digging heartily into the gumbo.