[center][b]Master Jamie[/b][/center] Master Jamie stood there a moment, eyes closed, and sighed softly. [color=f7976a]"Children. Think they know what they are doing, and just wind up chasing their tales. Well. I wouldn't love them half as much if they did"[/color] he chuckled lightly, and opened her eyes. She looked around, to search for the girl that had been thrown, that he had defended. Seeing that Karn was okay, Jamie left him to Trinity, Zero and Zenoram. She knelt by the girl, and studied her a moment, eyes curious. [color=f26522]"You stepped into a fight, like that. You are quite brave, Child. Let me take you back to my guild, and make sure you are okay"[/color] Not waiting for an answer, Jamie rose, scooping the girl up into his arms, assuming that she would be unable to bare her own weight, after a shock like that. [center][b]Penny[/b][/center] Penny stood, in a position ready to attack, if need be, a serious expression on her face, as she just stared at the man. She waited a few moments, before saying, [color=f7976a]"I was giving you time to see your own foolishness, but evidently, that isn't going to happen"[/color] she sighed, as if completely exasperated with what was going on. [color=f7976a]"Evidently, you are as dumb as you look. There needs to be a balance between all things, and if you bring a bunch of Edolasans to our world, that balance will be tipped. ANd Tipped, that will lead to damage to both our worlds. It will lead to magic being destroyed in Earthland, Edolas being worse of then it is. So, tell me, how is that beneficial for either of our worlds? Tell me while I should just burn you to a crisp here. Tell me"[/color] She spoke calmly, rationally, her face blank, and serious, eyes watching the man. Then her voice become angry, and her expression dark as she said [color=f7976a]"We will find our own way home, after we stop you from trying to ruin our world"[/color]