As they headed back to the room, Anna couldn't help worrying about Gunner. She knew how being a strigoi warped your thoughts and twisted the things you loved into something dark and possessive. She'd only experienced for a few short moments but in that time she'd nearly turned Gunner into a Strigoi so she could have him all to herself forever... even knowing he would hate it. The thought he'd hate it made her want to do it that much more because it was making him feel something, anything, for her and that was all she cared about. She rubbed the back of her neck at the memory and caught up with he and Seb just as Seb was opening the door and half stumbling through. Airen, the new Guardian, basically caught him as he nearly fell into her and she frowned before she noticed Gunner and Anna behind him. "Both of you are Guardians and neither of you thought to help him?" Anna's eyes narrowed on the woman who was already quickly earning her way onto Anna's shit list. "Mind your own," her voice was almost a hiss. Seb cleared his throat, "It's fine Airen, Gunner was... wounded and Anna was making sure he was alright. I told them I was fine." Seb brushed past her and Anna locked glares with the girl before she followed Gunner into the room and smiled at Serena. "Hey..." Seb had moved to her side and basically collapsed next to her tiredly, the circles under his eyes were deep and his face looked a bit sunken and paler than usual. Anna frowned, "You need to eat..." She glanced at Gunner before reaching in her back pocket and withdrawing the small folded up map she had used to mark the cave systems that Gunner had been hiding in when they'd found him. "Will this work?" She smiled tiredly at him, "I'm sorry you have to do this now..."