Serena sat up when she heard the door open and watched as Sebastian stumbled in. She moved over to allow him more room and wrapped her arms around him when he collapsed beside her. She kissed his head and looked toward the bathroom door, "The feeder is just... I'll get her," She said quietly before releasing Sebastian. She moved to Gunner before she did though and wrapped her arms around, "It is good to have to back... Lie down with Sebastian, you look tired." Gunner wrapped his arms around the pregnant woman as well and held her close. Maybe it was the fact that no one would let him near her if he posed a threat but being close to the small girl made me feel like he really was himself again... Like the Strigoi was really gone. He released herand let her go and get the feeder. Serena was awkward and incredibly uncomfortable around the feeders but Sebastian needed to feed and she wasn't going to make him get up to do it. She opened the door to the bathroom and looked at the girl, "He's over there," She said quietly, not making eye contact. When the girl walked over to him lazily and held out her arm for him, Serena turned away and took to facing a wall over the rest of them. Gunner looked at the map that Anna was handing him, "Ya..." He then looked over to Serena and gently took her arm, "Let's give the guy some privacy to feed," He lead her out in a way that avoided her having to turn around before he lead the two girls out of the room and closed the doors behind him. He took a seat on the couch and opened the map. He sighed and started to make the different caves and writing the number of Strigoi in each of them as well as the order that they should be hit in. Serena wrapped her arms around Anna and hugged her as Gunner set to work, "I've missed you," She said quietly, "No more running off, okay? At least, not for so long... If you keep up like this you are going to leave next time and come back to a baby," She joked. Gunner circled one of his markings and wrote, children, above it before sighing and sitting back, "There..." He said quietly, "That's all of them...."