[center] [h3][color=662d91]~Abigail Blanchett~[/color][/h3] Well, things could have gone worse...and things could have gone much better. Right as her Nidoran attempted to do Arceus' knows what to that Mareep, one of the loser duo's pokemon, the houndour, also saw fit to try and attack. Either the girl, or Nidoran, she wasn't sure but thankfully Melody was able to pull her Mareep out of harms way, and she herself was able to avoid any major injuries, except for maybe a bruised tailbone. The Mareep then saw fit to zap little Nidoran with a thunderwave. The little guy, who had missed his target had landed on his face once again, and didn't even have a chance to dodge the little zap. Abigail sighed inwardly in relief. Injuring a fellow trainer, would be the perfect way to start a journey! Well, she supposed she should...apologize or something. ugh. She walked over to the group, stopping for a moment to pick up her Nidoran, and cradle the small pokemon in her arms. It was obviously paralyzed and not moving so well. [color=662d91]"Well that's what you get, you little [i]fauteur de troubles[/i]."[/color] She said, giving her Nidoran a harsh look, to which it simply gave her big, eyes and a small squeak. [color=662d91]"Oh, don't do that with me. You're just trying to be manipulative. Behave and I'll get you a paralyze heal."[/color] The Nidoran, simply gave her a blank stare before giving a small little pout before poking its head over her arms and looking down at the Mareep. Abigail turned to the other three trainers that her Nidoran had interrupted. It was still eyeing the Mareeps tail with a playful glint in its eyes. [color=662d91]"Hmph. You should keep that mutt of yours on a leash."[/color] She scoffed, giving the girl an obviously annoyed look. [color=662d91]"That mutt could have seriously hurt Melody here."[/color] That was all she seemed to have to say to the timid looking girl. Instead, she looked down at Melody, who just now seemed to notice her atrocious hair. She was on the floor brushing it vigorously....was now really the time? Well, she could sympathize at least. If anyone so dared to mess up her hair, they were getting a fist to the face. Other than the hair though, she seemed alright. No major harm done then. [color=662d91]"Well you're alright, other than your...hair."[/color] She let out a small giggle as she mentioned her rather atrocious hair. [color=662d91]"I do, erm, apologize for Nidoran here. I think he was just trying to play with your Mareep."[/color] She said to her, the Nidoran simply letting out a small cry in response, as if confirming what she had just said. However, as soon as it did that, it managed to wiggle free from her arms, hopping onto the floor again finally nailing a landing. Well, sort of, if landing on your back counts as nailing it. After scrabbling to his feet, the little pokemon ran behind Abigail. Fearing that he might try further mischief, she turned as well, following him and almost calling out to him. However, it seemed the little poison type had smelled the Pokeblocks that one trainer had left out for them, in an attempt to calm the pokemon before things got further out of hand. It had picked up one in its paws, well tried to. Being paralyzed made it difficult for the little poison type to move very quickly, but with a bit of effort though, it had managed to make its way back to Abigail and the Mareep, before promptly dropping the Pokeblock, right in front of Mareep. Nidoran sat on his hindlegs, looking up at the larger pokemon. [color=662d91]"I uhm, think he's trying to apologize."[/color] She quietly commented as Nidoran tilted his head to the side. [/center]