Penn was fairly silent as the prep work and chatter between the group going in and the piloting aspect of the mission was going on. He was getting into his mission mindset, and that meant far less companionable then he might have been, say, a few hours ago. The plan to plant the Mongoose in a high damage location, such as the Gunnery Deck, wasn't a bad idea and he shrugged as he stood up, making sure he had everything on him. The suggestion was sound and he said as much as he watched the other team members space jump across the way, Cal guiding South and he kept quiet, wondering how well her getting back would be. Cal might not be available for that, which would make things hairy, to say the least. [b]"Don't see why not, Cal, long as they don't question the vehicle on their weapons deck at all. Or they see it before we have to detonate it. Those are the two biggest concerns I see with that."[/b] This of course left Penn to his own thoughts and actions as everyone seemed to crowd their way up to the cockpit. Wannabe flyboys, he thought with an amused smirk, turning to refine the work he had done on the Mongoose, maximizing the damage it would do while minimizing its volatility as much as he could. Which wasn't much, the damn thing was a deathtrap now. Well, it was a deathtrap before, no protection and no arms on the thing, but now even one round that missed would wipe more than just the 'goose out. He wasn't a fan of the things, not personally or professionally. Scout vehicles, that was about all they were good for. He would take a Warthog or even a civilian truck of some sort over that thing any day of the week. No, he thought honestly, if he had his say in the matter, he would sooner send a tank in and level whatever the place was. Or, for this mission, just rig the ship's reactor to go critical and send the ship into its death throes. But no, it was scouting and chaos if called for. And Cal's idea was good for that, so he was ready to roll the bombgoose out, as he was calling it now, whenever.