[u][b]Esther Vanhomrigh - 5th Period, Practice Class[/b][/u] As the students approached the firing line and readied themselves for the first string of fire, a vein in Esther's temple visibly throbbed. She couldn't help but feel more than a twinge of burning annoyance at Ms. Montgomery. Not only had she not done well at the obstacle course, but she apparently had issues paying attention to her instructions. To be honest, her decision to change her mind about them using their own weapons had been sudden and not necessarily planned. But, even still to have her words so easily ignored enraged her. Esther wanted to break the girl, but that wasn't her purpose here. Priscilla chose to remain in the class, so Esther would do everything in her power to guide and train her. Even if the girl had a rather vapid personality and troublesome first day. Still, she would work with her and give her a chance to correct herself. One chance. [B]"Ms. Montgomery! The instructions were for you to use the stock rifles on the range! You'll be using your own weapon at a later time and date. Remove yourself from the firing line and select a stock rifle at the weapon rack. Don't worry, we'll wait on you."[/b] She barked her commands at Priscilla, the last sentence spoken with a sneer. Sarcasm oozing from her words. After waiting for Priscilla to swap out her weapon, Esther adjusted the brim of her cover and pulled out her Scroll yet again. Habitually checking the time, she looked up and down the firing line to ensure everyone was ready. Expanding her Scroll and accessing a special application that controlled the range, she began tapping on a few icons. As she did so, small square targets with a large black circle in the center popped up in front of each student 25 yards away. Slowly, the targets dropped down low to the ground. [b]"Eyes and ears! Shooters! With a magazine of rounds, load![/b] She waited to see that everyone loaded their weapons. [b]"Make ready!"[/b] Again, she waited to allow the students to charge and rack back their weapons in order to chamber a round. [b]"You may commence firing when your targets appear!"[/b] Tapping an icon on her tablet Scroll, the paper targets popped up within line of sight of each student. After a brief pause, the first shots rang out and thundered. She couldn't help but smile a little to herself, though it would unnoticed by anyone else. [u][b]Kuhaku Shiro - 5th Period, Practice Class[/b][/u] On Ms. Van's command to load, Shiro tightly gripped the boxy-thing and slammed it into the rifle first go. With an extra tap on the magazine's bottom for good measure, he resumed his stance exactly how Ms. Van instructed. Stock deep in the pocket of his shoulder, rifle brought up to the side of his cheek. Peering through the sights, he focused on the front sight until only it was clear and everything else was blurred in the background. With the command to make ready, Shiro grabbed the charging handle and ripped it straight back to chamber a round. Getting as stable and as comfortable as he could, he tried his best to relax his body save for his hold on his weapon. He couldn't help but get a little excited though, evident by his tail flicking back and forth behind him. He loved guns and shooting them. As he maintained his focus on the front sight, the sclera of his eyes narrowed into a slit. Calming his breathing, he allowed the muzzle of the rifle to drift up and down slightly. Hold and grip firm on his weapon, he did a little butt wiggle to make sure his stance was positive. As his target popped up, his ears did the same and perked. Hearing Ms. Van's announcing the range was hot, Shiro's thumb swept the rifle's safety selector to 'Semi/Fire'. There was a brief pause and silence as no one had fired a shot yet. In his curiosity he half wanted to look around but decided against it. Being a young man of action, he decided he would be the first to break the silence. With the pad of his pointer finger, he slowly began to squeeze. Waiting until the moment the front sight settled in the center of the blurry black circle and for the moment of exhalation, he squeezed the trigger all the way through and fought the urge to flinch as the air cracked and boomed with the sound of his shot. For his following shot, he tried his best to maintain consistency between each shot, taking his time before the next. After 5 well-aimed shots, he ejected the magazine and let it drop to the ground. Grabbing the charging handle and racking it back a few times, he inspected its chamber to ensure it was cleared and swept the safety back on to 'Safe'. Lowering the muzzle of his weapon safely at the ground in front of him, he waited for further commands from Ms. Van. Heart pounding and breathing a little excitedly, he couldn't help but beam and smile. He wondered how his shot group looked. As he stood there waiting, his target slowly lowered closer to the ground to indicate he was complete with the first string of fire.