Cal smacked Alaska's helmet as he got up. "I don't date girls who can drive better than me Alaska." He said in a cheeky voice as he left her. Stepping back into the bay he released the brakes on the bombgoose. "Penn grab the spare and hide it, I'll push this over to gunnery deck and hide it behind some shells. Should be a good time, when it blows." He chuckled as Alaska swung them in and he disengaged the mag-clamps letting the ATV's roll. Pushing his off he jump down behind it. He drew his assault rifle scanning the hanger, it was clear for the moment so he moved towards the door. "Penn lets move to the the armory, on the way out we trash it. Give them something to rather than launching fighters after us, Pelicans are deathtraps in the air." He said carefully moving along. He called Team One and Alaska. "This is team two, were on the ship, moving to set up distraction. Give us a green light whenever, we will try not to caught. But if you here the boom assume were comprised and that were going to plan B." He said cutting the comm. He then turned to Penn. "Can you walk the Mon-geese while I clear the way.