Picture is coming up! [centre][b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll143/zigzagstar14/sasukelovestoryKiarasoutfit.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] Devon Li [b]Age[/b] 15 [b]Personality[/b] A bit childish, Devon is a very energetic and somewhat stubborn girl who only wants to do what makes her happy. She's very curious and perhaps a bit mischievous, but ultimately means well and tries hard to be nice to the people she likes. Though she's undoubtedly female, Devon's way of dressing and sometimes acting has convinced a few people that she might be a boy in the past. It's possible that she actually likes the ambiguity, but it's much more likely that she doesn't even care. [b]Bio[/b] Coming from a very strict family, Devon has actually had to take on quite a bit of responsibility even at a young age. As a result, she can be level-headed and a hard worker when it's absolutely necessary, but it's exhausting and only fuels her desire to act more childish and avoid obligations when possible. Recently, she's been sneaking away at night every once in a while to "let off steam". She often comes back with bruises, cuts, and other injuries, but she's getting a lot better at hiding them. [b]Partner[/b] "If you mean dancing or sparring, they'd better be able to keep up. I'm not known as the great Lizardman King for nothing! ...that wasn't what you meant, was it?" [b]Other[/b] - Martial Arts practitioner - Loves food, but is oddly picky about strange things - Likes Spider Lilies and Calkins. She has a small bottle of catkin blossoms she often keeps with her. [/centre]