It was very quiet as they made their way through the halls. Ominously quiet, almost too quiet. North kept South by his side, where he could keep an eye on her as he continually scanned the halls with his thermals. They came across only a couple of patrols, which they were easily able to avoid thanks to the advanced warnings they were getting from Wash’s trackers and his thermals. They made it to the door and South quickly paused the boys to unlock the door. This was the room where their objective was, she felt like there was a good chance it would have some kind of security going on. It only took her about fifteen seconds to get the door unlocked and disarmed and as Wash counted down she opened it for them as the boy’s burst through. North trained his gun to the man, but Wash just casually strolled in and pulled him aside, so he let it rest as South moved about closing and locking the door before making her way over to the computer at Wash’s prompting. “Team’s Two and Three this is Team One, we’re in position, South’s getting to work on the computer should be…” He looked up at her and tried to judge how long she’d be based off the look on her face and then back down. “About ten minutes. So far everything’s been going smoothly.” He chuckled softly to himself. “Who knows we may not even need a distraction.” He could only imagine Cal and Penn’s disappointment at not getting to blow up the Mongoose. They’d probably have to leave it there if they didn’t use it, didn’t want something rigged to blow on their ship when they were trying to make a silent getaway. “I’ll keep you posted.” He said as he closed the com down. Didn’t want too much radio activity, could draw unwanted attention.