Gunner groaned a little when Anna pulled him out of his sleep and told him that he had to move to a bed. Sure, leaning against a far smaller person wasn't exactly comfortable but he was tired as hell and he'd be okay with anything that didn't require moving. However, she managed, against his will, to get him up of the couch and into his old bedroom. He practically collapsed onto the bed and drifted off to sleep the moment his head hit the pillow. He only remained awake long enough to wrap his arm around Anna. He could feel her playing with his hair and humming as she lulled him deeper and deeper into his dreams. ~ Serena laughed at Sebastian's remark. That was the one thing she had been worried about because it was usually quite normal to feel the baby moving by now. The doctor explained that it might just be due to their baby being small or that the most movement happened at night or just went unnoticed by the mother. However, it was nice to have finally felt it and knowing that she was actually in there. She let him take her into the bedroom when it seemed like they were all calling it a night and following Gunner suit and falling asleep. She laid down on the bed and curled up against him as he ran his hands up and down her side. She smiled and closed her eyes, "I'm sure it is... Two more months and then a baby... I'm going to kind of miss carrying her around like this I think..." ~*~ Serena was done with being pregnant. She supposed now that she could see the light at the end of the tunnel she wanted to put her foot on the gas and hurry out. It didn't help that they were all still at court, not that she really thought that the Academy was going to be any better. In fact, all she wanted right now was to be lying in a bed in a house that she and Sebastian owned somewhere.... Somewhere that wasn't open to the public so that she didn't have to get scrutinized every time she decided to venture outside. Not that she was going outside right now. She was on bedrest after a small scare a few days ago when they all thought she was going into early labour. This, of course, meant that Sebastian was waiting on her hand and foot and now, as she felt like a bloated whale, she really did appreciate it. She winced as the baby kicked in her the ribs, an activity she did a lot more since the first kick a month back. Serena took a deep breath, it was just one more month after all... One more month and then they would have their little baby girl in their arms and then she and Sebastian would get married and find that secluded little house and buy it with his inheritance. Yes, soon everything would be perfect. ~ Gunner was sitting on the couch rubbing his hands. He had been trying to spend sometime away from Anna everyday for the last couple weeks. It wasn't because of her but because he knew that she would need to go and help take down the army he created. Which meant he needed to be able to let her go. The doctors that he had been seeing since the change refused to allow him to go on any missions until further notice. Apparently, the trauma of it all would distract him and get him or some body else killed. Not to mention, they didn't think that returning to the caves that he had been in when he was Strigoi while there were still Strigoi in them was a good idea. Overall, it was a big sign that Gunner wasn't the man he once was. Even with a month to start recouping he still broke down or had nightmares or terrors. In fact, he had had one to two day terrors in the last month. He was shakey and just all around broken still... It was going to take him some time to build himself back up... Anna was helping though. She had been through so much with him and she knew, even if it was only a little, what it was like to want to hurt the people you loved because you were a Strigoi. He'd get better.... He'd make sure of it... If there was anything that Gunner did best, it was being the best and he was going to be the best again... The best him, at least.