[b][u]Robert Fallson - 5th Period, Practice[/u][/b] Robert continued hoping that Ms. Vanhomrigh wouldn't notice him taking the wrong firing stance. He felt sympathetic for Priscilla, since Ms. Vanhomrigh had caught her even though he was making several more mistakes. Robert waited for Ms. Vanhomrigh's signal before preparing to take his first shot. He looked down the sights; lined up the crosshairs with the center of the target, completely disregarding bullet drop, wind, et cetera; and pulled his finger back, since he hadn't been listening to Ms. Van's instructions to keep the fingers off the trigger until ready to fire. Nothing. Nothing happened. Robert made an irritated grunt before trying to pull the trigger again. Still nothing. Why wasn't the rifle firing? He continuously pulled on the trigger, again and again. Nothing was happening. He began inspecting the gun for issues, but didn't find anything. The magazine was in properly, the charging handle had already been pulled back. "What's wrong with this thing?" Robert then noticed the small switch next to the trigger. "Wait, what's this?" he said as he flipped it from 'Safe' to 'Semi/Fire.' He had forgotten to turn the safety off. Robert looked back at the target and resumed where he had left off. He pulled the trigger, not expecting the recoil this time, and the muzzle quickly lifted upwards. "Whoa," he said aloud as he felt a sudden feeling of power over the paper targets that sat 25 yards away. He smiled and looked through the scope again, trying to see where his shot had hit. Robert was pretty sure he saw a small hole in the lower right corner of the target. He aimed higher and to the left of his target, hoping that this would get his shot closer to the bull's eye. By the time their shooting session was done, Robert had fired five shots that had all just barely hit the target. Not a single bullet had gotten close to the bull's eye, let alone hit it. Robert had a lot to improve on over the year. At least if he wanted to get better at using weapons other than his own. Robert was pretty sure he was way better with his own bracers. Robert began to set down his gun, realized he hadn't turned the safety back on yet, picked it back up to turn the safety on, and set it back down again. He was about to walk away from the range, when one of the students next to him fired a late fifth shot. Robert was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the discharged bullet casing flew into Robert's shirt. The unexpected feeling of heated brass touching his skin made him jump and yell out, "Ahh!" Robert tried to shake the casing free, only for it to slide into his pants. He tried to grab it as it quickly slid down his leg and onto the dirt. Robert looked around to the several students staring at his ridiculous display. "Darn Fallson luck," he whispered under his breath as he joined the students that had finished shooting.