[h1]Lucas Ryder - Interacting with Amaya VanIsis[/h1] [i]Crap, it's her. How pathetic I must look... [/i][color=00aeef]"I ca- I can walk on my own, thank you."[/color] Lucas replied with a struggle for air. Amaya had her hand supporting Lucas as they walked. [color=00aeef]"Remember how I was looking for someone at the tavern. That man is my father. He's a lea- a leader of a group called 'Golden Lust'. Their not a guild officially, they only have 5 members. One of them jumped me, but it's weird. I can take a beating but I feel, funny."[/color] He gave off a little chuckle, which he finished with a little 'ow' as his ribs began to hurt. Lucas looked at Amaya's face and was stunned at her beauty. [color=00aeef]"I wear my hood to hide my face from my enemies and to not show pain. Why do you wear yours?"[/color] Before he could he hear her answer he looked down at his rib and found a black feather sticking out. He yanked at it and observed the tip. Lucas's face widened. He looked at Amaya and she looked worried, [color=00aeef]"He poisoned me! Taking it out was a bad mo-"[/color] His voice came to a slur, his vision to a blur and his legs to a wobble. He collapsed onto Amaya, completely on conscious. [i]I need to tell her, I need to use crash magic on my rib to negate his poison magic. Maybe a guild master will know...[/i] Lucas's mind wandered into nothingness.