For most people they would've been surprised at seeing a hand made of dust and watch it be blown away, in fact they would've been most likely shocked at such a revelation, but for Nolan it didn't phase him one bit. No matter how tragic the event, no matter how horrendous, or terribly sad it was he still had a face that was like wood; unmoving and emotionless. Why this woman was showing him this he would never know. Was she trying to reciprocate for Nolan telling her about his past, letting her know his most private, innermost secret that he had been keeping or was it to simply create pity? In all honesty he didn't really care which was the right answer because that didn't matter to him. All that mattered was that she was showing him something he must hold his tongue forever more and out of respect he would certainly keep it. Damaged goods huh? Well she isn't exactly wrong about that. He couldn't say that he wasn't left undamaged by his past experiences, hell they made him into the man that he is today. Everyone's got their own monsters, in her case it was an illness that left her crippled or to something with that effect that would hinder her limbs. At least she hasn't let that destroy her life and used that second chance to live life to the fullest. What she didn't realize was that she wasn't living just to live, she was living to learn and have many different experiences with the freedom that her dust limbs had given her. If that's her life then perhaps he wouldn't hold it against her. [color=00746b]"Not a word about what?"[/color] The world must be coming to an end because a small smirk cracked along his face let alone make a joke. The only thing that could truly mean that the apocalypse was near is if Nolan laughed and fell in love. [color=00746b]"Pancakes huh...I like waffles more, but pancakes sound good."[/color]