The Rangers were starting to stir and get back on their feet. They were surprised to see other rangers here. They had no Idea that there were other like them out there. "Who are you guys?" Jason asked. Recca looked back and smile. "Allies," He looked up to see Abagan coming down with the Time strike. Gaeriel turned to look to late as he was struck and sent flying back and rolling on the ground. He laid there for a moment before he started to push himself up, "I... don't know... who you think... your messing with." He said as he rose to his feet. "I am Gaeriel! I will not be beaten here!" Recca looked on, "I guess it my turn." He walked next to 3rn, "That is where you are wrong! This is your end!" He pulled out his badge, twisted his wrist crossed his arms the rotated in a circular motion then trusted his right arm forward with his left arm grabbing his right biceps and yelled. "Time Force Emergency!" He pressed the trigger showing a custom made T.F.C badge and it showed Time Force. Once the Transformation was done, his suit looked like Doggie old suit but all the SPD logos were replaced with that of Time force. The ancient rangers looked in awe. They had never seen anything like it before. "3rn, Alexis, Abagan, Lend me your strength." Gaeriel looked on, "It matters not, I will defeat you!" Recca pointed, "Your time is up!" *Back on the moon* Rita looked on, "More rangers! Who are they!" Bakki looked on, "So they followed us threw to this time. They are Rangers from my time. They have come to stop our plans," Bakki turned to Rita, "Do not worry, they will fail, it looks like the battle has cause Gaeriel shard is start to maturing. His power is going to grow." Bakki turned and said to himself, 'These ranger are making the shards react, interesting.' Gaeriel got a surge of energy, "I feel powerful! Take this!" He covered his eyes and shot out some very power lasers at all the Rangers. Recca yelled "EVERYONE DODGE!" Recca jumped out of the way, and the other six rangers followed in suit.