[hider=Appearance] Yup, I went there. [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/019/e/e/mr__jayce_gatsby_by_fiveonthe-d72rg34.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Piotr Yurievich Gagarin (See what I did there?) Age: 27 Gender: Male Personality: You'll see. Home Faction: Sino-Russian Bloc Skills: Electronic maintenance, translation, good at computing as well. Purpose: Piotr is a Neuro-linguist and an electronics engineer. His role is not only to repair any neurological enhancers that might get damaged, but also will serve as an interpreter (Or "Code-breaker", to be more precise), in case of an encounter with another intelligent being. Strengths: Piotr is very persuasive and, even though he doesn't have a massive build, can be intimidating at times, as well as a fast-learner. Weaknesses: Too demanding. He'll do anything to have things done his way, even though it not might be the best for the situation. It can create quite a bit of tension sometimes. [hider=Weapons] [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130426074750/warframe/images/9/99/Viper.png[/img] The Viper. A Machine Pistol with a rather small clip, but can fire in a really quick burst. [/hider] [hider=Special Equipment] [img]http://media.indiedb.com/images/games/1/21/20791/armutilty1lr.jpg[/img] This gauntlet, the YYZ-2112. Not only does it include any tool he might need in case of a faulty microchip, this new technology advancement gives him the ability to levitate and move around any small object, from a tiny transistor to a small rock, or even a switchblade, although the bigger the object, the more energy it consumes. Use with precaution. [img]http://images.sciencedaily.com/2014/01/140128094539-large.jpg[/img] His proud and joy, the Ilyich 1.0 microchip. Quicker and smaller than any other chip in the market, the Ilyich serves as a wireless connection between his brain and a network of supercomputers. This allows him to access databases and communicate with other devices, as well as projecting images and output devices when connected to his gauntlet. Basically a computer... without the computer. [/hider] Armor/Wear: Nothing too fancy, civilian apparel, according to the climate. Vehicles: No, he gets anywhere he needs either by foot or with someone else. Biography: An orphan, he was taken by the government at a young age, which explains why he can be harsh with others sometimes. Showing proficiency in math and languages, he was quickly targeted by the Bloc to be one of the many explorers of the Solar System. After graduating with Honors in Neuroscience and Linguistics from the University of Moscow, when The Incident happened, his government knew exactly he was the one to explore this uncharted figment of the universe. Other: Due to... reasons, he despises drunks, smokers, and pretty much any vice around.