[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/12/15/56/1215565183183e90f4f81903ec51ba34.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Isabella Poole [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Isabella is patient and intelligent, two traits perfect for a person with her skillset. She is normally quiet, preferring not to make very much noise. She isn't anti social, but just has a very cold personality, rarely smiling and not often showing emotion in general. When she does speak she is often very blunt and forward with her words. She's pretty much an ice queen, and a person very hard to read. Though, above all she is focused on the task at hand. [b]Rank:[/b] Corporal [b]Home Faction:[/b] New Alliance [b]Sponsored Faction:[/b] Sino-Russo [b]Skills:[/b] Isabella is first and foremost a markswoman, she is a very skilled sniper. She is also talented in reconnaissance and survival. She is a skilled hand to hand combatant as well, but she prefers to have a gun in her hand when given the choice. [b]Purpose:[/b] Field sniper and scout. [b]Strengths:[/b] Isabella is extremely accurate with her rifle and handgun. She can hold her own in a brawl too. Like every other soldier she is in great physical shape and she takes care of her body especially. She is a talented survivalist, able to live off the wilderness if she needs to. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Isabella is terrible with computers and most machinery outside of guns and explosives. She has mild claustrophobia as well as a fear of needles. [b]Weapons:[/b] [url=http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/105/1600x514_18254_Rifle_2d_sci_fi_rifle_game_art_sniper_rifle_military_picture_image_digital_art.jpg]MX Raptor Sniper Rifle[/url] - A bolt action rifle, has a scope with 8x and 16x magnifications, includes a range finder, compensator and a bipod. [url=http://www.jmac3d.com/images/gallery/S_PistolRender_1.jpg]SR2 Handgun[/url] - A simple semi automatic handgun. Has a 15 round clip and is equipped with a laser sight. [url=http://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server400/50ef7/products/41/images/325/OK8180__50165.1405416960.1280.1280.jpg?c=2]Combat knife[/url] - A simple metal knife, she carries it in a holster on her left leg. [b]Special Equipment:[/b] She carries standard equipment such as flares and a canteen. Her most notable items, both gifted to her are her grappling hook, which sits inside of the right arm wrist of her armor. When it is used it ejects at a high speed, a sturdy cable attaching it to her. The other item she has is an invisibility matrix, a rarer item inside of her armor which allows her to disappear from sight. The device lasts no more than a few minutes and uses a rechargeable battery. Whilst it makes her invisible, she still can be heard and has to be careful not to bump into anything (or anyone). It also can be affected by weather conditions, rain will noticeably impact against her cloaked form, heavy dust and snow will reveal her cloaked figure as well. [b]Armor/Wear:[/b] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/84/62/49/846249c7fb63f310d1928b405e55ec34.jpg]Her armor[/url] is lightweight but durable and perfect for her combat style. The armor itself is made of several high strength fibers and metals which give her solid protection against threats. It has a shield but the shield is of the weaker variety. [url=http://dankerrcreations.com/images/Mando/LazerHelmetIllustration.jpg]The helmet[/url] has an interface inside of it which displays her vitals and a compass. The vision of the helmet includes a zoom function, heat vision and night vision. When not in usage she clips the helmet to her belt. Out of combat in casual situations she tends to wear comfortable clothing. Often t shirts with a leather jacket, dark colored combats and boots. [b]Vehicles:[/b] [url=http://i4.minus.com/ibr0MuhALOHero.png]Speeder Bike[/url] - Her only vehicle, a quick and maneuverable creation. It is not built for combat as it possesses no weaponry or real protection to the rider. Isabella uses it to cover large distances and to get away from bad situations. Capable of a top speed of 120 MPH. [b]Biography:[/b] Isabella was born in the northeast US, both of her parents were in the military so naturally she followed their footsteps and enlisted once she had the opportunity. She showed talent as a sniper, able to hit targets like they were nothing. In her years in the military she earned a reputation for her efficiency as well as her cold, straight forward and competitive demeanor. She signed on for the task force after being volunteered heavily by her superiors. Part of her was actually curious about space though.