[b]Name: Allan Crow[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [s]Male[/s] Gentleman [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Race:[/b] Feral Crow [b]Birthday:[/b] January 19 [b]Blood Type:[/b] A [b]Height:[/b] 7ft. 8 in. [b]Likes:[/b] Fine dining, Wine, Breadcrumbs, Corn, Fisticuffs, Classical Music [b]Dislikes:[/b] Filth, Criminals, Cacophonies, Scarecrows, Heavy Objects suspended in mid-air [b]Parasite/Living Weapon:[/b] “THESE [b]FISTS[/b] ARE THE ONLY LIVING WEAPON I NEED!” [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/HMgm59s.jpg?1[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Allan is a rather eccentric man, most of the time being fairly good-natured and generous most of the time, showing kindness even to those who he doesn’t know. Despite his generosity, he does not tolerate people squandering anything, or defeatists. [b]Biography:[/b] Allan’s life before he took the center stage of the wrestling world is irrelevant, to him, his life began, and truly ended in the ring. That was where he became a man, where he found a friend, and where he lost his career. A rising star in the works, Allan sought to become as great as legends such as Beowulf, and Von Gam, and was willing to undergo anything to do so. He was never alone, however, in the form of his biggest fan, and best fan Edgar, the son of a wealthy philanthropist in New Meridian who frequented the matches. In the two men who lived different lives, a deep friendship formed between them that went beyond Edgar cheering for him in the matches. The two became inseparable, and Allan only rose in popularity and strength, his performances in the ring serving to inspire impoverished ferals, who came from the same walk of life as him. Wordlessly, and honestly, he pursued being the strongest in the ring relentlessly, with the wind in his sails, and his best friend at his side. But, alas, all good things must come to an end. After years of being friends, Allan had finally convinced Edgar that he ought to propose to the girl of his dreams, and, she said yes. With a smile on his face, Crow promised to Edgar the greatest gift he could offer; the championship belt, which, at the time, was held by the six year defending champion, Edgardo Von Malkovish. Crow had tried and failed many times to decrown the reigning champ, but every match ended with defeat, though in the more recent it had to end in a decision call. With a goal in his mind, Crow trained as hard as he thought possible, pushing himself well beyond the limits of what he ever thought himself to be capable of to fulfill his promise to his friend, and to accomplish his dream. The day before the bout, however, didn’t create a spark for the fanfare of victory. It only burnt the rope supporting Crow. A normal routine drive for Edgar and Allan, nothing in particular was any different on that day, but then again, accidents do come out of nowhere. Faster than either could react, a support beam for a newly constructed building fell from a crane lifting it, and of all the rotten luck, the beam fell and crushed Edgar in his seat, leaving Allan feeling horrified at the death of the friend sitting beside him, and hopeless in being unable to save him. Depressed and uncaring, Crow lost the match pathetically, tapping out in the first round and leaving the ring forever, ashamed and frustrated. Severe depression hit Crow like a rock, especially after he got word of Edgar’s fiancee taking her own life after news of her lover’s death reached her ears. Thoughts of ending his own life occurred to him as well, before a hand reached out to help him from an unlikely place. Edgar’s father, whom Crow had also been rather close to, was the one who kept a bullet from piercing Crow’s brain. Treating the feral as a friend, he offered to house Crow and, with no other place to go, Crow accepted. Several years went by for Crow and Edgar’s father, wherein they formed a close bond, the father mostly out of looking for something to love and support with his son missing from his life. Tragically, Edgar’s father passed on at the age of 72 from a terminal lung condition, and wrote in his final will that he left everything in a 71-29 split, 71% of his inheritance going directly to the causes he believed in, including medical sciences, automotive companies, children’s hospitals, and puppy orphanages. Without a friend in the world, and enough money to build an empire, Crow did just that, becoming one of the dominant stockholders in technological industries and construction companies in New Meridian. Despite his riches and new social standing, Crow still longs for the cheers of the crowd, and the thrill of the ring. [b]Blockbusters:[/b] [i]Level One[/i] [b]Crowdemic:[/b] Allan calls down various local birds from the surrounding buildings, forcing them to converge on his opponent in a ball, biting them viciously. [i]Level One[/i] [b]CANNOT CONTAIN![/b]: Allan rips his suit to pieces, revealing his muscular torso. The sheer site of such musculature actually damages the opponent. Blinding Sparkles included. [i]Level Two[/i] [b]Flying Crow-Bar[/b]: Allan flies towards his opponent and grabs their arm between his talons, twisting it and spinning them around three times before throwing them across the screen. [i]Level Three[/i] [b]Nevermore...Again[/b]: Using his unfinished wrestling technique, Crow grabs his opponent in his talons and flies them up roughly 100 feet into the air, before dropping them. On the way down, he unleashes a flurry of quick jabs, as well as pecks before he slams them into the ground, slowly walking out of the massive crater created.