[img]http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk261/nightwolfsnow1/ElfCastle_zps246ce7b6.jpg[/img] [h1]Ahrimia[/h1] The grand kingdom of Ahrimia lies far in the east, where its territory cover half of the lands. This is the place where heroes are born, where adventures begin, where the great stories originate. Rich with snow-capped mountains, lush green forests, blue rivers and lakes, many have built their homes here, be it in a secluded area, in a small settlement, or a city. This land is packed with a lot of people, as well as different creatures. [h2]The Inhabitants[/h2] These many beings are the ones who have found refuge in the lands of Ahrimia, and formed the civilization which is now a huge part of the kingdom. Humans - Mortals of flesh and blood, and in some cases, metal, these beings have proven that their versatility is what makes them truly a wonderful race. They are also the race which occupies a large part of the kingdom's population. Elves - Long-eared humanoids who are said to age forever, these beings have shown their greatness in the field of magic, nature, arts and even warfare. Their artistic minds have allowed them to create structures that are beautiful is many different perspectives. Dwarves - Boasting their differently-styled facial hair, and height half that of an average human's, they are usually seen as either workers, or rascals. Despite this, their great sense of unity, their great metal crafts and bravery have earned them their rightful place in the mountains and cities of Ahrimia. Drows - These dark skinned creatures have been called the [i]Dark Elves[/i] due to their similar appearance to the elven people. Their amazing combat skills, weird rituals and worshipping of the moon had entitled them to be a mysterious race that is rich in culture. Orcs - Slightly larger than the average human, these green skinned beings have shown that their strength and mastery of the art of war are not meant to be questioned. They usually live in large groups that are called clans, and are bound by their honor. [h2]Magic and Technology[/h2] Magic in Ahrimia is very common. It used in many ways - as a tool, as a means of combat, as a leisure material, and many more. Here, magic is done by manipulating the energy of the caster and the caster's environment. By doing so, spells are formed, such as the generation of light, the restoration of wounds, and even the revival of the dead. Technology is as common as magic, however it is run by the use of coal, water, fire and steam. This allows the people to do tasks in unbelievably easy ways. Though it is not as reliable as magic, due to technical errors and lack of materials, it is still used very widely. The highest form of this so far is the creation of artificial life through the use of man-made golems. [h3]Religion and Organziations[/h3] Though there are many kinds of religion and belief, the only one that is the most known is the Holy Order, which worships the goddess of light, Lumina, and other gods related to the goodness in the world. They also have their own heirarchy and as well as their own military force. The Magus Guild is an organization which specializes in the creation of law of the public use of magic, as well as enforcing them. This organization also is responsible for the licsensure of magic-users, which allows them to use magic publicly. Levels of Licsensure: •Novice •Intermediate •Expert •Master The Ahrimian Guard is a military organization who seeks to keep peace and order by enforcing the law of the king and queen. They do everday patrols around the border of Ahrimia to prevent any invasions as well as illegal entry. They are respected by all, and they are loyal to the throne. Ahrimian Guard heirarchy: •Squire •Defender •Knight •General [h3]Character Sheet[/h3] Name: Race: Age: Gender: Skills and Abilities: Equipment: Appearance: Backstory: