Kes had used the time to get a small nap, though each noise woke her from her light sleep. It was hard to rest fully in a place you knew naught of, and with someone not too far away whom could be anyone. It wasn't that she doubted Milo's offer of assistance, or that she mistrusted him, but this was a new world and each day had brought fresh problems and surprises. When she did sleep, she dreamed of doors all closed and locked. When she awoke, she didn't feel rested, but she splashed water on her face so that it made her feel more awake. She'd always dreamed of flying, and now Jube could. She'd wanted to see a dragon up close, and now Jube was a dragon. Somehow, part of her wondered if she had wished this upon Jube, though it was a small part which she knew couldn't possibly be true.