[hider=Grungni Kadrin]Name: Grungni Kadrin Race: Dwarf Age: 39 Gender: Male Skills and Abilities: Grungni is a Dwarf Engineer of the highest caliber, and is able to repair, modify and even create machines given the time and resources, his greatest skill being the creation and control of golems, though he has only rarely used this skill. He also has a high knowledge of machines, and lore of the ancient Dwarf civilization that he is pursuing. He is above average in combat, able to use his wrench with moderate skill against opponents, though certainly not to the extent that his combat-oriented peers can. Equipment: Grungni wears a set of light armor he has modified with steam-powered motors, granting him additional strength if activated, at the risk of overclocking and setting him on fire. He carries around a wrench as a close-combat weapon, using it to clobber any enemies for surprising effectiveness, using its hardy construction to its advantage. He has a toolset which he can use to fix or modify any machine he comes upon. In his holster he carries a very crude black-powder single-shot pistol, which he has modified to suit for rapid reloading, though it has incredibly low range. He has a glass fitted above his left eye which benefits him with better examination of close objects as well as far-sight if needed. Appearance:[img]http://i.imgur.com/Rqf1aJ6.jpg[/img] Backstory: Grungni is a member of the Guild of Engineers. The Guild attempts to regulate the most inventive of dwarfs, ensuring that everything they make is based on proven, reliable engineering principles. Grungni, however, constantly strives for creating new inventions, and is constantly at odds with the more conservative side of the Guild. Having become ostracized for long enough, Grungni has resorted to walking the earth, searching for the lost technologies of an ancient Dwarf civilization he happened to find evidence has existed, but has been written out of Dwarf history.[/hider]