When the alarm clock rang at the Millford residence Jacob had already been awake. Most of his attention in the past months had been about the summoning, past that he didn't have much to go on in the way of a plan of action. Now that he had Assassin, planning was all the more important. He didn't have the strength of one of the knight classes nor the wealth of knowledge that caster would provide. It was a relief that he didn't have to go on the offensive just yet. If they let the others fight and tire themselves out then action would be easier. But that was wishful thinking, they would have to strike when they get their opportunity, because one might never show up again. The alarm continues for five minutes before he turned it off, and he laid there for another five minutes. Finally getting up he went about his daily routine. A simple breakfast of scrambled eggs with smoked salmon all the while preparing lunch. Buying lunch at the school would be unwise for some time. Anything he put into his body would have to be made by him and kept within sight. As such he prepared a thermos of coffee as his late night and lack of sleep would likely catch up to him around two o’clock. It took him longer to prepare and cook everything as, against his better judgement, he prepared food for Assassin. He knew she would likely refuse it again, but if at first you don't succeed and all that. With all that done he went and got dressed, conducting the stranger of his morning rituals, tongue twisters. If Assassin, or anyone for that matter, was listening, they might think him mad as he strung words together in a hasty manner, trying to trip himself up. As a teacher he would be talking all day, and how could he hope to properly inform his students if his tongue was not loose enough to be understood. This was also vital to his Magecraft, as words are indeed power, and as his servant said, delicate. With his effects gathered he left the house and found Assassin. She looked a convincing part of, whatever it was she was trying to portray. From her appearance she was collage age, so she would have no problem being at the campus, before the day was done he would have to get her an ID, but the chances of someone stopping her were slim. Even then she would likely come up with a convincing lie. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]Ah, good morning.[/i][/color]" Handing her the separately bagged breakfast and lunch he nodded toward his car. It was nothing special, it’s most redeemable quality being that it had four wheels. "[color=MediumSeaGreen][i]I need to get going. Do you want me to drop you off in town or are you coming to the campus with me?[/i][/color]"