Athena had blushed at the smile he gave her and lead him the way she had took, though when she saw Clairesse and Mint hidding she gasped as she heard chopping for a split second she saw a woman and two men coming closer with a large blade. She turned and hid behind the tree and hopped they wouldn't spot her so she pointed up into the tree, looking at her Minotaur Escort hopping he'd get the message. She began to climb very quickly as if it was a second nature to swimming. The bark hurt her bare feet but she Finally got to a high sturdy branch and Decided to wait for them to move on. Dawn sighed deeply "Thats fine, i studied the map so i should know where to go" She said and kept slashing, she paused for a second as she heard a scratching noise. Almost like tree climbing, She looked around and looked behind her at the men "I dont think we are alone anymore boys, Search these woods!" She shouted and had a smirk on her face and began to search as well. Maybe the islanders were nice and knew where the treasure was.