With Gracelyn helping, Xerox was able to get the rest down quickly. [color=aqua]"Thanks for the help. You should get ready to leave with Jericho. I think it's about time we head back to base. I'll head out in the car. Thanks."[/color] After thanking her, he headed out of the base to the car, when he heard Kein complain. [color=lime]'Hey man, hurry up! The engine's hot and I got a satnav set up to lead us out to the first sewer outlet.'[/color] [color=aqua]"Yeah yeah. I am here already.[/color] Xerox replied, getting into the car. With the satnav already set up, he reversed the car and started to drive towards the sewer outlet. It was relatively okay at first. Till it was time to floor it. [color=aqua]"Get ready"[/color] he called out, speeding up. On route, he spotted a regiment on patrol of the Galbadian Army. [i]What timing[/i] he thought, as he could hear the others prep their guns and fire away at the patrol, preparing to fire at the moving vehicle. [color=aqua]"Looks like we might get more trouble since we got spotted."[/color] Xerox sighed. With gunfire back and forth for a few seconds, the car passed the regiment, with only a few losses to the regiment. [color=aqua]"We're gonna need to hurry now, don't want that backup to catch us in the sewers"[/color] he mentioned, accelerating towards the sewers. Reaching the sewers quickly, they were lucky to not have another encounter. The sewers were foul, and dark. With little breathing room, they drove through. The ground uneven, rocking the car. At the end of the sewers they could see light. Xerox had noticed something, however, near the exit. A proximity mine. The Galbadians were prepared. Xerox sighed once more. [color=aqua]"Tenacious"[/color] he said, accelerating once more. Reaching the top speed of the car, he sped passed the mine, leaving the explosion in his trails. Some more Galbadian soldiers were outside the sewers, ready to fire, however, the speed Xerox was taking the car, left them little chance before they disappeared among the trees. After that, it was smooth sailing, taking an unorthodox route to the base.