[hider=My Hider] [center] [b]Appearance[/b]: It's as If you were being watched, the skin tingling sensation you felt caused you to turn sharply. Gazing at the crowd of inumerable people, your eyes fInally meet a lone human male at the table, sipping his tea as he looked back at you with tense but dark, tired eyes. To your relief, Human eyes. The strange events happening these past nights had you doubting your sanity. The youngster appears to be in his late teenage years, perhaps close to his twenties. Hair kept long past those dark circles till the dishevelled spikes reached the bridge of his nose, again, dark in tone. Topped off with a grey golfcap to hold it all in place. He is clearly of asian decsent, the fair ones, but not obviously so. His features lack the pristine porcelein white of china or japan and are slightly orangey instead, sharpened by the lack of fat and sprinkled with some blemish. In contrast, a fuzzy sheet of facial hair runs behind and In fRont of his tapering ears, down his jaw and meeting below his throat. It seems that even his aRms and legs had a bit of carpet to them too. In conclusion, not very good looking. Oh well. He looks rather average in height, amidst this land anyway, and his build is generally hidden it seems by clothing. Very comfortable clothing, you can tell, specially when he smiles smugly as If to say he would not trade apparel with you even for a hundred gold pieces. Not his billowly shirt, not his cotton bermudas nor his socks in sandals. You were doomed in your flattering but itchy clothes. [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] FIRE. The art of setting things a blaze anywhere, anytime. The knowledge of triggering combustions at whim. The lack of wisdom to own an extinguisher. [b]Likes:[/b] Tea, Earl Grey. Burning things, fIre. Trivia, the more obscure but practical, the better. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Tight clothing (wearing), triggers undesirable moodiness. The noise rap, triggers strong urge to beat the offending 'singer' senseless. Barking, by dogs, they suffer the same fate as childlike attempts at rhyming. Others: Very, very VERY Lactose Intolerant. Behold in thine glass of milk, fever everlasting. [/center] [/hider]