It was nearly a week before Anna returned... The weather was dreary and the skys were full of rain the day she finally got back. With Gunner's help from the map and his call they'd decimated the strigoi army in the caves but their numbers when they returned were significantly reduced. Quite a few had died in the battle but in the end they were victorious. Anna stepped out of the vehicle and pulled the blanket around the bundle in her arms tighter, pulling it up against her chest to shield it from the rain. She knew she'd have to face the Queen in a day or two but they'd been given a reprieve so that they could recoop from the fight they'd just been in. As Anna dashed inside she glanced down again at the tiny bundle in her arms and felt both sorrow and an unknown warmth swell in her chest, one that had been growing since she'd discovered the little thing and had taken her in. She moved up the steps and towards the door of their apartment like rooms before taking a breath and knocking. She wasn't sure what her friend's reactions would be, what Gunner's reaction would be. She knew she didn't have to knock but she felt like she shouldn't just drop this on everyone all at once... The tiny bundle squirmed and made a soft complaint at the noise before Anna bounced it up and down and hummed softly to it, shifting nervously on her feet. ~*~ In the week that Anna had been gone Seb had managed to talk the nurses into a wheelchair for Serena so she didn't have to be completely bed ridden all the time. He made it a point to take her out and about whenever possible and their tests and check-ups had gotten closer and closer together. Seb had asked that he not know the gender of the baby till it was born, he wanted it to be a surprise and was positive he'd be happy no matter what. As far as Gunner went, he'd been trying to spend as much time as possible with his friend also and what had made it easier was telling Airen she wasn't needed anymore and placing Gunner as his temporary Guardian despite his protests. As he'd told him, they were at court and in little to no danger from strigoi while on the grounds and with Serena in her current state that wasn't a problem. Also, Seb needed someone with Serena when he couldn't be there... someone he trusted and despite Airen's seemingly mellow attitude toward Serena something told him it was an act. The day that Anna came back Seb had been disappointed that he wouldn't be able to take Serena outside so he'd called up a nice meal for them and was about to go get her to help her into the wheel chair when a knock came at the door. "Serena, Gunner! I think Anna's back!" He went to the door and opened it and for a moment was extremely confused....