[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jk0ILeL.jpg[/img] [@SaekoGami][/center] Upon arriving to the auditorium, Delilah plopped down into a chair beside Beatrix and immediately began dozing off. She leaned back with her arms propped up against the back of her chair, her head drooped forward and drool could visibly be seen escaping from the corners of her mouth. Obviously she didn't come for the speech, she just came for the sleep. The young girl flinched as Mr.Hazekage yelled. Her gaze rested on the old bat, a noticeable frown forming on her face. "Well fuck..." She grumbled, wiping drool off the side of her mouth. Delilah leaned forward and rested her elbows on her knees as she grumbled not-so-safe-for-work curse words to herself. She turned her head to check on Beatrix, who didn't seem to be paying attention, which was alright with her. "Hey, little lady, Hazekage's having a little stick trouble, amiright?" Wait no, that came out wrong. "Uh, I mean! He's a cunt."