Alex just stood and watched. His hat slanted in a way that shade captured his face. He watched as the crows actually flew off incredibly quickly screeching. Alex could see the anger in her eyes during her release of emotion. Alex stood generally close by and had taken a few cuts, slicing through his already beaten up coat. But he just stood. Not really expressing any emotion. Managing his emotions. His mind being completely different. He may have appeared as insensitive in a way. [i]..... Such a palatable person. So much rage and vexation. Ire displayed in such a fine manner. I'm somewhat galvanized by Elsa's actions.... [/i] Alex feeding off emotions like a dirty leech had created the moment into much more. He just didnt mind the cuts. The emotions and sleep made him feel more rejuvenated. He watched as she sank to the floor. He slowly approached her and the put a hand on her shoulder. Somewhat wishing he knew of a better way to comfort someone. His hand was a bit shaky. He was angry as well. But capable of controlling such things.