It was a rainy day in London. Course there was no other kind of days in the English Summer so Zachary did not care all that much. It was just the fact that the whole area was on a line from Nome, Alaska. If not for the locations and a few currents they would be the same and London showers would be snow storms. Zach was full of stupid facts like that. He usually when was either in a bad mood, furious, or tired. Currently he was all three at once. He had just been told, no ordered, that he was going to join some kids club or something. Constantine had decided that Zach needed to leave London, the only home that he had known for the last few years, to head to God only knew where. Now he was wandering through the city while his brown trench coat. Constantine had thought it was a good look for him and good for a laugh. It was not like the original but it had a bit of magic in it. So he wore it with his superhero getup. It had a bit of magic in it like to protect him from water. It was not possessed yet but he figured it would eventually get possessed by some hellish demon. He had a few magical artifacts in his pocket in case he would need one. He had a playing card, a doll, and a few other things. He was walking near Hyde Park and looked up at the clouds. Part of him liked the idea of all this but the other half hated it. He liked the idea of having a team but he worked better alone. He had done jobs on his own before... Course he could not wait any longer so he turned on his heel and walked towards an alley nearby. There was a blue police box just sitting there. He had placed the glamour on the Zeta Tube himself and he thought it was funny. He needed a joke right now more than anything. He felt himself vanish for a bit and then heard a robotic voice said "Zachary Zatara B05" It said as he saw the room around him. There were four people looking at the tube. He could tell who they were from the newspaper clippings he kept in his room. He would never ever admit that but it was true. He looked around and scratched his head. "Hello." He said flatly before his eyes settled on the red head with the party hat. Oh this was going to be fun. "I am Zachary." He said before waving his hands and saying a spell. "[i]egnahC otni ym emutsoc [/i]" He said as his outfit appeared under his coat. "I can do real magic which I am guessing none of you can. Especially the party boy over there. I could have sworn that you lot were suppose to be professionals. Seems I was wrong." He said smugly. Constantine had taught him how press anyone's buttons.