Alex jolted awake, as the screams were heard through the phone.The lecture was utterly boring, and droning on, so at first the boy believed it to be some random student causing trouble. At least, until his classmate on the phone was yelling through it. "Sasha! It's like the movies! Their everywhere, biting everyone! Don't get bit!" Staring at his phone in shock, Alex could only respond, "What do you mean, 'Their everywhere'? Who are 'they'?", trying to make sense of the panic ensuing outside. "Them! Like monsters straight out of the stories! I'm running over to the autoshop as I speak!" Before the call was disconnected, Alex heard what sound like screams of pains, along with the deeper undertone of a guttural growl. The only thing the Russian could do at this moment was, well, lock down the autoshop. Quickly spinning the lock on the door, he crossed over to the other side, before shutting the garage door. With the only sources of sight outside the shop being the small windows at the top of the garage door and the window on the door leading into the halls, Alex let out his breath that he was unconsciously holding. With nothing else to do, he picked up his phone again, before calling the first number he could think off. "Aura, are you alright?"