I closed my eyes as I was expecting the human to run up to me and attack, however, something else happened, instead. Somehow, the human was dead, impaled on R'lyeh's spear. "We... won? He's gone? The village's saved? I can't believe this, a kobold village was actually not destroyed by a human, and a knight no less!" The other kobolds started shouting back to the ones who have left the village, and some started trying to regroup them, until the village was back at its old population, with most of the stragglers brought back. I then notice R'lyeh digging around in a bag, and place the contents, two potentially useful potions, one of which I recognized as a minor healing potion, something so many beginning adventurers use against us in their village raids, the other of which was some sort of murky brownish yellow, and certainly seemed mysterious. A note that reads 'For the king' can be seen attached to the mysterious potion. Since I wouldn't be delivering this potion to any human king, I crumpled up the note, and tossed it aside, taking the potions, but not really having anywhere to put them. I then turn my attention towards the ogre and where I assume the troll was, and ask "Can either of you actually use this armor?" wondering what their response was going to be, and, if it was 'no', then I'd suggest we take it anyways, you know, to sell, I take off the armor, thankfully only revealing some clothing underneath. Both the armor and the clothing were in pretty bad shape, given that they'd been pierced by a spear recently, not to mention the beating that the armor took thanks to the mysterious force, as well as the ogre. The sword looked a little too heavy for me, heck, I'd need three arms in order to use it, but I was certain at least SOMEONE else could use it. If not, I suppose we could have it melted down in the village's forge, and have it made into one (possibly more) smaller weapons for us to use. Failing that, of course, we could always sell the thing. I then ask "So, what's your name, ma'am?" To the ogre who was still clinging on to that table, using it as a sort-of-shield, having finished removing the armor, and of course, just generally showing it to my teammates.