[b]Chemistry Department, Rooftop Morning[/b] Part of Colt's specialty had been making weapons, as well as other devices, and as Archer he had been lucky enough to have that translate over once he had been summoned as a Servant. He just needed to check and see how science had advanced, what things had been learned since his time, so that he could best plan out a strategy. With her to back him up, they could plan a lot of nasty surprised for their opponents, beyond what was usually in an Archers arsenal. He snagged the key card out of midair when it was tossed to him, giving it a look over and noting that it had her picture on it. While he could have simply phased into the literature section, this might be easier, simply so he could interact with the books without worry of someone trying to stop him. Though if anyone actually looked at the card he was screwed. But he could bluff his way out, he was confident. "Got it," he replied before taking the piece of paper. Now that would be incredibly useful, given the wealth of information on the internet. Doubtlessly he could find some useful stuff there. Putting that in his pocket, he took a step forward, attention on Louise. "Alright, If you get in danger, call me." He didn't expect she would, but better safe than sorry in a situation like this.