[B]Name:[/B] Mysaren Fortier [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Ethnicity/Nationality:[/B] Black // French [B]Physical Description:[/B] [INDENT]Before the augmentation, Mysaren stood about 6'3, at 180 pounds. She's muscular, with a chiseled, prominent jaw, and square face. She keeps her hair in a frohawk, which is generally dyed a light pink, although her hair is naturally black. She has dark blue eyes, dark brown skin, and freckles covering her face and body. After the enhancements, she stands about 2 inches taller, due to her leg enhancements. She also has noticeable cochlear implants in both ears. She stands in a strange manner as well, due to the fact her spine was replaced. [/INDENT] [B]Skillset:[/B] [INDENT]Definitely more street smart than book smart, she knows most of the city by heart, making it much easier for her to move and travel with efficiency. She's well versed in most criminal behaviors, breaking and entering, how to trespass, etc. She knows how to get to where she wants to be with minimal trouble. She also has a wide knowledge about the majority of drugs that are currently on the streets. She's also very good at reading a person, their tics and behaviors, in order to manipulate (or sometimes seduce) them. She knows a lot about the human mind and how it works, mostly from years of experience. She also knows that everyone comes with a price, and it's not hard for her to figure out how to get people to do what she wants. She also has many connections to the underworld, whether it be for scrap parts, drugs, weapons, sometimes even blood or people.[/INDENT] [B]History[/B] [INDENT][/INDENT] [B]Psychological Profile:[/B] [INDENT]The character's outlook on life, including any psychological trauma they've endured.[/INDENT] [B]Modifications:[/B] (The ones already listed are standard issue for all characters)[list] [*]Communications suite, HUD and neural-computer, all standard issue – Vigil agents are able to text by thinking it among each other on a heavily encrypted wireless network. In fact, the computer works off brain impulses and is easily one of the most sophisticated and useful implants they have; what's more, its capabilities have yet to be fully exploited. The downside of this implant is that it includes a cortex bomb with an anti-tampering device. A captured agent can set it off, destroying the hardware inside, or a signal from control can do the same. This is to prevent the enemy from learning the capabilities of implanted agents. [*] Internal air supply and aerial toxin filter -- this also has the added advantage of making the agent immune to vampire pheromones, as some types of vampires are known to use this to seduce their prey. [*] Blood/liquid toxin filter -- the obvious is at work here -- vampires use their blood as a means of controlling mortals, and this system (and everyone, even non field agents, in the Vigil organization have this implant) screens out one of most subtle weapons a vampire has, rendering them functionally immune to being controlled through ingested blood the way mortal thralls of a vampire might be. [*] Eye augmentation; a HUD showing all sorts of system data, such as the status of implants, as well as allowing for low-light and ultra-sound modes of vision, the latter being thought to be more effective than thermographics when dealing with vampires, who tend to run cold if they haven't fed lately. [*] Other implants as you see fit. Be creative, the Vigil is experimenting. [*] [*] [/list] [B]Equipment:[/b] (The items already listed are standard issue.) [list] [*] Mimetic Camouflage (Predator) coat, though this is designed to look more like a trenchcoat -- no doubt some project engineer with a penchant for the dramatic, or an interest in fashion design. The coat is actually stylish, which serves a dual purpose as vampires tend to dress stylishly and surround themselves with the stylishly dressed. This allows Vigil agents one more edge. Of course, they call it the Predator Coat. Because the engineers are geeks. (This is a standard issue Vigil item) [*] Modular, caseless assault rifle/carbine. Bullpup, caseless ammunition, synched with existing implants and capable of mounting a variety of accessories including a 25mm grenade launcher whose munitions range from conventional high explosive to nano-guided scattered mines. It also syncs with HUD implants for improved accuracy in a mechanism similar to a bluetooth link. The trigger is electric and the weapon includes a biometric security system; anyone but someone authorized to handle it and it will blow; that is a standard feature on most any weapon the Vigil has in service with its teams. (This is a standard issue Vigil item) [*] A number of electronic accessories, including a PDA tablet and other items to assist in making physical connection with computer equipment. (This is a standard issue Vigil item) [*] Grenades, mostly white phosphorus. The organization has designed a 'grenade' that involves a strobing UV light that damages vampires -- it is known as 'the disco ball'. [*] Other items as you see fit. [*] [*] [/list]