The wind blew her hair up and out of her face and she smiled widely. She had always loved the feel of the wind on her face. She bent over her book quietly, peering into the pages before slamming it shut, her eagerness to read leaving her as fast as it had come. She looks down at her watch and gasped. She was going to be late! She jumped to her feet and began walking toward the street. The bustling sound of cars washed over her and she smiled again, not even bothering with the fact that many people just shoved her out of the way as she walked the opposite way down the street from where everyone else was going. Tossing her red hair over her shoulder, she winked playfully at a cute young guy on a bike, who then proceeded to crash into a car. She giggled and kept hurrying down the street. She came to an almost empty part of town, far away from the bustling streets of downtown. She peered back over her shoulder to make sure no one had followed her there, before walking down the street toward a small little abandoned building. She glanced at her palm and took a deep breath. Well, this is where Ma Hunkel told her to go. This should be the place. Maxine proceeded inside the small building and looked around. It just looked like an abandoned shop, but Maxine knew that there was much more lying within the dusty room. Twisting her hands and throwing them forward, a strong wind came out of nowhere and flipped her mundane clothes up off her, exposing her bright green, red and white costume underneath. She giggled, touching the silver plated cyclone on her chest and then looked around. The dust had fallen to the ground from the wind, but some stayed suspended in the air. She grinned and jogged toward that spot, throwing herself into the Zeta Tube. Well, she threw herself with a lot more force that was necessary. Suddenly, she vanished into thin air before tumbling forward into a room as a robotic voice said, "Maxine Hunkel, B06." She looked around and saw another young man in the room. She kept looking around and saw four people staring down at him, one with a party hat and another looking quite somber. She rolled her eyes and curtsied, unsure of what to do. Obviously the first young man had introduced himself, so she said, "Hey, darlings! My name is Maxine Hunkel. It sure is nice to meet you!" She smiled at them. [hr] Even with the hood pulled up close around her face, people could tell she was different. Probably by the way she walked and how she acted around others. Dark red hair, tinged with pink, swung out underneath the hood of the black sweatshirt as Koriand'r, a.k.a. Starfire Princess of Tamaran, walked through the streets of Jump City, her eyes ever alert and curious. Though hidden underneath a baggy sweatshirt and jeans, she wore her uniform just in case she needed to spring into action. Though today, she hoped nothing would happen. Walking through the streets, she noticed how people seemed happy, not plagued by difference, not home sickness. She sighed and rubbed her face. Oh, how she hated this feeling. Not watching where she was going, she bumped into a young woman, causing the woman to spill all of her files that she was carrying on the ground. "Oh, I am most sorry!" Starfire said, dropping down to help. The woman, obviously irritated, snapped for her to leave and Starfire stood back up quickly, stung by the woman's harshness. Tears beginning to well in her eyes from her frustration of being different, she hurried farther down the street, heading toward her destination. She reached the edge of Jump City. Across the small ocean was an island, not very far from the city itself. It would be a good place to put a hangout, if she worked with others. Unfortunately, she didn't and that island goes unused except for one thing. And that thing was what she needed to go through today. Shedding her sweatshirt and jeans, Starfire jumped into the air, happy thoughts filling her mind, and she giggled, floating out over the ocean. She zoomed through the air, her short purple skirt waving around her and the cool wind chilling her exposed arms. She flew down to the island and landed gracefully on it, looking at the glowing, golden light that was there. She smiled carefully and stepped through it. Vanishing for a moment, she reappeared in a room that she had never been in before. Looking around, she saw another young red head in a strange costume and a young man. Glancing around, she noticed that they were being watched and she heard a robotic voice say, "Koriand'r, B07". She dipped her head to the four, scanning their faces. "Greetings, all! I am Koriand'r, though I go by Starfire now. I am princess of Tamaran and am glad that you--" Her eyes paused on the young man standing above them with dark black hair and her mouth dropped to the floor. "Robin?"