[color=ed1c24][b]"Yeah and now I am suppose to join this kiddy club of super hero brats. Can you believe that crap?!"[/b][/color] A deathly pale teen with pitch black hair and fiery red eyes groaned as he sat on the edge of a aquarium tank, his metal boots hanging just above the water. Below his boot covered feet in the tank swam a pod of dolphins, about half a dozen. The alien looking teen was munching on a large, incredibly greasy double stack bacon cheese burger. [color=ed1c24][b]"That is easy for you to say, you don't have to hang out with a bunch of crud munchers for who knows how long!"[/b][/color] He spouted with a mouth full of burger, a perfect line of meat juice running down his chin. After about three more bites the teen had completely demolished what was left of the burger and tossed its wrapper over his shoulder, it hitting some soccer mom who was walking by. [color=ed1c24][b]"Whatever... But I swear if any of them lays a hand on my hog I will show them why I am the baddest bastich in the universe. Catch you later Glumly."[/b][/color] The teen said as he stood up, balancing on the edge of the tank, one of the dolphins in the tank chirped back to him almost as if it understood the odd looking kid. The teen then brought his fingers up to his lips and let out a sharp ear piercing whistle. After a moment a large motorcycle with a metal skull mounted on its front roared into the aquarium, literally flying over and around the buildings patterns. As the bike neared the teen jumped on it in one quick fluid motion, revved the engine a few times then rocketed out of the building and into the skies above the city. To most all that must of been a bizarre sight, an alien teen eating a burger talking to a tank of dolphins and then ridding off on a flying motorcycle, but if one would to get all the facts... well it was all still crazy. For that is pretty much everything the young [I][u]former[/u][/I] intergalactic bounty hunter that is known as Slobo did, crazy crazy and more crazy. The reason Slobo, or the Top Teen as he calls himself, was at the aquarium was because that was where one of the few friends he had on this planet stayed. That friend just so happened to be a Space dolphin by the name of Glumly that decided to live on earth among his non space cousins. Slobo always visited Glumly when he was on earth, Glumly once saved Slobo from a horde of crazed cyborg alien bikini warriors... long story, so the two kind of bonded. Now since it looked like Slobo would be staying on earth for the long haul he has been visiting his space dolphin compadre more and more so he could talk to someone who didn't make Slobo want to blow something up. With his visit finished he was suppose to go to the location the man of steel himself gave Slobo. With a roll of his eyes the alien teen pointed his spacehog in the direction of the zeta tube he was suppose to take, though he did stop for another burger much to the misfortune of the acne covered teen that was working the drive through he stopped his spacehog in. It didn't take long for Slobo to make it to the Zeta Tube, it was hidden in some ally and disguised as telephone both of all things. Slobo hopped of his bike, which proceeded to race off into the sky and wait for him to call it later. With a sigh Slobo entered the booth and was instantly teleported away. [color=fff79a]"Slobo, B08"[/color] The robotic voice echoed as Slobo appeared out of the Zeta tube and into the room with the others. He still had his latest burger in hand as he looked over the others. He took a bite of the burger, grease pouring down his chin, before he spoke. [color=ed1c24][b]"Crap are you guys really my team? I was expecting... well chumps, but better chumps."[/b][/color]