[right][i]The Watchtower July 4th - 12:15 pm[/i] [color=7ea7d8]Courtney, A.K.A. Stargirl[/color][/right] [b]B-Zero-Nine[/b] An oddly feminine computer voice echoed throughout the area as Courtney stepped into the Watchtower. She hadn't been here before, but she had heard of it. On any other occasion she would have been thrilled to be standing among legends. But not today. Today she was meeting her new babysitters. Because her step-father didn't believe she was responsible. It was bad enough that he followed her around but this? This was the pits. She was Seventeen! Not twelve. She knew how to take care of herself. Once she finished school she has plans to move out. Watch the step-father of the year follow her then. Courtney stepped off to the side as the computer began announcing the next arrival. The only reason she was here, having agreed was because of her mother. Courtney had a giant SUCKER tattooed onto her forehead when it came to her. That and Jack Knight, one of few people she honestly respected thought it would be good for her. She folded her arms and looked over the the assembled group. Everyone was talking all at once, except for the leaguers. They were standing there stoic and calm. Everyone else fought to be heard. It was, a disaster. A complete and total disaster. Courtney mentally took a bet about how long the team would last. Probably not even a day. Not that you could all them a team. The teen snorted. Well, once whatever this was crashed and burned she could go back to being solo. She rubbed her cosmic staff and smiled.