[b]Star City July 4th - 12:12 pm[/b] Speedy adjusted his red cap. Making sure it was on straight. “Nervous?” Green Arrow asked as he typed the coordinates into the Zeta Beam control console. Roy took a deep breath before he answered. “A little. I knew you for a few years before we begun to work together…” Roy said. Oliver nodded. “I’m not saying it’s going to be easy…” The green clad archer said after a pause. He looked at his watch. “Alright. Nearly time.” Oliver said. Roy made sure he had his bow folded up on his back. He went to step onto the Zeta beam platform before Oliver put a hand on his shoulder. “Err… Have you gone through the zeta beam before…?” “I don’t think I have…” Roy said, biting his lip. “Is that going to be a problem?” “You should be fine, but it does take some getting used to.” Oliver said. “Good luck!” He said. Roy gulped before stepping onto the platform. The lights blinding as Oliver vanished from his line of sight. The teleportation felt strange. “B-One-Zero” chimed a feminine voice as his vision returned appeared. His vision returned and the Arrow safe house was gone, instead he could see Nightwing, Kid Flash, Supergirl and Aqualad. Roy went to say hi before his head started spinning. His stomach felt like it was trying to escape out his throat. He covered his mouth, worried he was about to hurl. Thankfully, nothing happened. He looked out a nearby window. Everything was black… with stars all over. Then he saw the large blue orb. “I… I… We’re in SPACE!?”