Naddy rode though the highway. Soon passing another sign, She looked the darkness of her visor filtered out the sun from hitting her eyes as she leaned into a turn while riding that GSXR-1000. Black with red trim, it was the only thing she had left from her father. He and her got it cheap, then restored it back to it's former glory. With a twist of her wrist she hit the throttler speeding down the rode. She looked down and smiled closing her eyes. Soon she leaned and turned, left, long turn, road getting even straight away so she hit it. She leaned to the left avoiding a pot hole before opening her eyes. She in truth didn't know how her gift worked, but hey it did. She slowed down and soon pulled into a gas station pulling in front driving in front of a car as she turned her head looking at the man in the passenger seat. Kicking out her bike stand as she got out off of her bike. Her jacket and pants hid her figure, though they did form to her slim frame. She took off her helmet as her long hair fell down out of it and she shook her head running her hand through it. She looked over to the car as she looked at the passenger, she got a bit of an odd feeling from him, but not un-trustworthy feeling. Her eyes were a strike contrast one pitch black, the other almost pure white. she didn't have her contacts in as she hadn't had much need from them being out of civilization.She looked over at him and smiled bringing two fingers up giving him a little salute. She then headed into the store to grab a bit of a snack as she pulled some sunglasses out of her pocket and unzipped her coat. She wore a cropped tank top showing the tattoos on her stomach. Her belly button was framed by an angel wing on her left side and a skelatal one on the right. The words "Never Surrender" right under them as there was an old dirty harry looking magnum going into her pants. She walked into the store looking at the little pair at the cash register, [color=ec008c]"I hope you remembered to roll down the window"[/color] she said as she grabbed a bag of chips and a drink walking up to pay.