[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ODVxPDA.jpg[/img][/center] Height: 5'11" Weight: 193 lbs Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue Name: Gregor Stukov Age: 19 Personality: Stukov, for being a foreign exchange student from Russia, is a rather happy and well spoken individual. Generally grinning and referring to people by nicknames he gifts unto them (In both English, Russian, and otherwise). He is often times grinning and laughing, making some bad and off color joke of one sort or another. He has a bad habit of dragging people around him into what he honestly and his Boss sarcastically call 'Adventures!', which often lead to something going wrong since this is Miso City, after all. But Stukov remains almost sickeningly upbeat and happy throughout all of it, hiding a rather cunning wit and rapier sharp intelligence beneath it. Probably hidden by all the obfuscating stupidity and disarming optimism and happiness, both of these most likely not fooling his Boss, although he keeps it up anyway long after its been pierced, just to be annoying. Abilities (Uniqueness): Stukov boasts two unusual skills. One, he seems to have an unusual knowledge and practical experience with the occult in general, and seems to be able to apply this to various effects. Secondly, he plays cello, rather well, and hides an old officer's sabre in a hidden compartment under the instrument which he claims he is rather dangerous with when someone finds it. But whether he is, or just bluffing, no one has yet to see. Other: Beyond his cello case, which is almost always on him somehow, he has a black book that he refuses to let anyone see and can be seen studying before pulling off strange stunts. He also has his lucky coin, a russian denomination that doesn't look like anything ever minted in the history of Russia or the USSR, for that matter. It doesn't even match any records from Tsar ruled Russia and prior, making it another enigma on top of the pile.